AFAN Expresses Unwavering Support For Tingo .......Recognizes Its Critical Roles on Products, Services

AFAN Expresses Unwavering Support For Tingo .......Recognizes Its Critical Roles on Products, Services

AFAN Expresses Unwavering Support For Tingo  .......Recognizes Its Critical  Roles on Products, Services

The All-Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) acknowledges the ongoing case brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) involving Tingo, a pivotal figure in the Nigerian agricultural sector. AFAN stands unwavering in its support for Tingo, recognizing the critical role it’s ecosystem of products and services play in the daily lives of millions of Nigerian farmers.

In an era where food security and the upliftment of rural communities are of paramount importance, AFAN emphasizes the negative impact of the SEC's actions on the Nigerian agriculture sector. Tingo’s contributions are instrumental in empowering millions, and any disruption could have far-reaching consequences.

AFAN , however urges a considerate, transparent and balanced approach on case 

Recalll that at least ten million farmers in Nigeria have fully adopted the Tingo Mobile’s smartphone application which enables them conduct their business transactions seamlessly from the comfort of their homes.

Recall that Tingo Group, a leading provider of fin-tech solutions in Nigeria had reached deals foremost farmers’ association, AFAN on supply and storage of farms produce, particularly rice and wheat as the firm makes inroads to export business.