TEF Set To Empower Young African Entrepreneurs From 54 Countries In Africa

TEF Set To Empower Young African Entrepreneurs From 54 Countries In Africa

TEF Set To Empower Young African Entrepreneurs From 54 Countries In Africa

Tony Elemelu Foundation (TEF), a leading philanthropy, has concluded its plans to empowering young African entrepreneurs from all 54 African countries in Africa.

 The announcements following the selected entrepreneurs for the 10th year of the 10-year anniversary Entrepreneurship Programme.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation is empowering a new generation of African entrepreneurs, driving poverty eradication, catalysing job creation across all 54 African countries, and ensuring inclusive economic empowerment.

Since the launch of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme in 2015, the Foundation has trained over 1.5 million young Africans on its digital hub, TEFConnect, and disbursed nearly US$ 100 million in direct funding to over 19,000 African women and men, who have collectively created over 400,000 direct and indirect jobs.

The Foundation's mission is rooted in Africapitalism, which positions the private sector and, most importantly, entrepreneurs as the catalyst for the social and economic development of the African continent.

Please see the event details below:

Time: 10:00 am (WAT)

Date: March 22, 2024

You can mark this special milestone with us virtually through a dedicated live stream.