Alleged fraud: Firm Alleges Attempt To Stall Trial Of Syrian Accused,14 Accomplices ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court ...fingers senior police officer of compromise ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court

Alleged fraud: Firm Alleges Attempt To Stall Trial Of Syrian Accused,14 Accomplices ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court ...fingers senior police officer of compromise ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court

Alleged fraud: Firm Alleges Attempt To Stall Trial Of Syrian Accused,14 Accomplices   ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court  ...fingers senior police officer of compromise  ...seeks their immediate arraignment in court

A construction firm, Almajdal Limited, has alleged attempt by a Syrian fraudster and 14 other persons already charged to court for forgery, conspiracy and criminal conversion of its property, to scuttle their arraignment and subsequent trial in court.

To this end, the firm which accused a senior Nigerian police officer of working in partnership with the accused to scuttle the case, has appealed to the judge of the Federal High Court, Abuja, handing the case to use his "good offices" to do justice by ensuring and giving a definite order to the prosecuting counsel that the defendants are arraigned in court and trial commenced.

kechukwu Okpalaelechi. Esq, from Indept Legal Consults, the solicitor to the applicant, in a motion before the court, prayed the court to give a definite order for arraignment of the defendants.

The other defendants were name in the suit numbers THC/ABJ/CR/98/2023, pending at the Federal High Court Abuja, as:"Barr. Victor Chinese; Mr Lawrence Umeadi; Mr Mojeed Olusola Kareem; Mr Femi Igbinosa Obakpe; Mr Akintunde Fatai Kareem; Daniel Opens; Richard Ohiefmi Enigbokan; Mr Emeka Magnus; Mr Ezeama Chukwuma; Chanel Rasbel; Romario Chamente and Hassan Kutrub.

The defendants were allegedly being used by the Syrian fraudster, Wail Kutrub, who is currently at large alongside his brother, Hassan Kutrub, to conspire, forge and convert the property of Almajdal Limited.

The applicant lawyers, in a petition to the Inspector General of Police, claimed that a certain top police officer had impersonated him (IGP) in a letter seeking withdrawal of the case earlier investigated and charged to court by the AIG Zone 13 in Anambra State.

It wondered that the officer had the temerity to use the DIG, FCID name, to order a case file, investigated, and charged to court by the office of the AIG Zone 13 in Anambra State to be transferred to Abuja.

"Our client was reliably informed that CP. Ibrahim Zango, in an official capacity, wrote to the prosecuting counsel to withdraw the matter from the court.

"Our client informed us, and it is on record that in the course of the investigation, and till now, CP Ibrahim Baba Zango heavily interfered in this matter to ensure that the matter did not see the light of the day.

"We pray, Sir, to use your good offices to see that justice is done in this case. An investigation has been concluded. To ensure that all the defendants are arraigned in court on the next adjourned dare of March 13,2024, to enable the commencement of the trial.

"Our client's signature was forged amongst other crimes committed against the state, nation, his company and his person. Our client also prays that you sternly direct, warn, and order CP. Ibrahim Baba Zango to stop parading your name in such an unholy interference in a matter be that is in court, "the petition read.

In his statement of facts, the solicitor explained that, "Our client is a businessman, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Almajdal Limited and Mashuchun International Limited. Sometimes in the year 2013, one Mr Wail Kutrub, a Syrian national, approached him for them to incorporate and operate a construction company. Thereafter, upon agreement, both resolved tht the authorised ordinary shares capital of the company shall be 10,000,000 shares, respectively. Unknown to our client, Mr Wail Kutrub had other sinister motives.

"In pursuit of his desire to cheat, our client in the allotment of shares of Almajdal Limited, Mr Wail Kutrub orchestrated and procured forgery of a signature purported to be our client's signature in the allotment of shares and the particulars of directors filed with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja on the 9th of November, 2028, wherein only him 500,000 shares of Almajdal limited were alloted to our client instead of the 5,000,000 due to him.

"In the process leading to filing of documents with the Corporate Affairs Commission, and the company's account opening, Mr Wail Kutrub requested that our client furnish him his means of identification, whereof our client sent Mr Wail Kutrub his driver's license. In his criminal device to allocate fewer shares to our client than our client is entitled to as per the agreement, Mr Wail Kutrub, instead of forwarding the documents to our client to sign his signature, proceeded to forge his signature from our client's driver's license.

"Albeit, luck ran against Mr Wail Kutrub, who the signed a signature purported to be our client's signature, which bears a resemblance to the signature of the authorizing officer on the driver's license in lieu of our client's signature."